Backyard Birds

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October is Bat Appreciation Month!

Bats! It may seem odd to honor an animal that is so widely despised, but as is often the case, the reputation of the bat says more about the folks who fear it than it does about the animal itself. One out of every 5 mammals is a bat! A long time ago, people used […]

Pollinator Plant Gardens – Why Does Pollination Matter?

Our pollinator garden-in-a-pot in front of Backyard Birds has gotten a lot of interest since we planted it. Each plant is native to this area and is beneficial to our pollinating animals such as birds, bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, or other animals, or by the wind. Why Does Pollination Matter? Worldwide, roughly 1,000 plants grown for food, beverages, […]

Help Our Pollinators!

The pollinators are in trouble! Pollinators are in a decline worldwide mostly due to habitat loss, invasive species and pesticides. Bees are the most important, but other pollinators that are also on the decline include butterflies, wasps, beetles and bats just to name a few.