Backyard Birds

Birdbaths in Freezing Cold Winters

Drinking water entices birds year-round, but keeping it ice free in winter can be a challenge. Birds have several physiological mechanisms for conserving water, but in our area we do not get the snow that birds can use. Providing a source of water when everything around is frozen offers a huge benefit for the birds. On […]

Making the Winter Transition to Keep Your Backyard Birds Safe

The abrupt arrival of freezing temperatures is a clear sign that the vibrant fall season has swiftly given way to winter’s chill. With this shift in seasons and weather, our avian companions are also undergoing a significant transition to cope with the cold days and nights ahead.

American Goldfinch Are Still Nesting

American Goldfinch Are Still Nesting

Why does the American Goldfinch wait so late in the year before nesting? Thistle plants, a major nesting material for the American Goldfinch, blooms in July. It’s thought that the blooming period of the Thistle plant may play a part in the timing of their nesting season. As late summer approaches, these Thistle plants set […]

Bird Identification with Tony

    Bird watchers and lovers of any level are in for a treat this week as Debbie and Laurie welcome bird expert Tony Lombardino to the show. Tony has a PhD in Neuroscience and studied how the brains of birds allowed them to sing and produce their songs in adulthood. He researched and studied […]

October is Bat Appreciation Month!

Bats! It may seem odd to honor an animal that is so widely despised, but as is often the case, the reputation of the bat says more about the folks who fear it than it does about the animal itself. One out of every 5 mammals is a bat! A long time ago, people used […]

Enjoy Midsummer Activity in your Backyard!

By midsummer, birds have established their nesting territories and are busy raising their second or third batch of babies. We receive many calls this month about “injured” birds. In most cases, it is fledglings that have naturally left the nest or been pushed out of the nest by their bigger siblings. The best advice we can […]

Ah, Spring! Baby Birds Are About to Arrive

Welcome the Birds and Help Them Thrive with These Nest Box Tips! Spring is in the air, and the birds are singing their songs! It’s a wonderful time to get your backyard ready for the upcoming baby bird season. One of the best ways to help birds is to provide them with safe and secure […]

Pollinator Plant Gardens – Why Does Pollination Matter?

Our pollinator garden-in-a-pot in front of Backyard Birds has gotten a lot of interest since we planted it. Each plant is native to this area and is beneficial to our pollinating animals such as birds, bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, or other animals, or by the wind. Why Does Pollination Matter? Worldwide, roughly 1,000 plants grown for food, beverages, […]

What is the Butterfly Highway Project?

The Butterfly Highway is a statewide conservation initiative that aims to restore native pollinator habitats to areas impacted by urbanization, land use change and agriculture. From backyard pollinator “pit stops” to large-scale roadside habitat restoration, the project goal is to create a network of native flowering plants to support butterflies, bees, birds and other pollen […]

Spring Cleaning for Your Bird Houses

Even thought it’s still winter, there are signs that spring is coming! Take a look in your yard or go for a walk in a park or along a greenway and you’re likely to see signs that birds are thinking about finding nesting sites and making babies. I’ve seen bluebirds in and out of the […]