Backyard Birds

The Backyard Blues: May Your Blues Be Eastern Bluebirds

Prior to the 1930’s, the Eastern Bluebird was one of North Carolina’s most common songbirds. By 1979, bluebirds were declared rare and uncommon by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Man’s activities and severe winters resulted in a 90% decline in bluebird populations. The continuing loss of natural nesting sites and other problems faced by […]

Squirrels & Raccoons Invading Your Bird Baths and Bird Feeders?

Many of you are being challenged, (more so than usual) with squirrels and raccoons. They are hungry and thirsty so they are visiting bird feeders, hummingbird feeders, suet feeders and birdbaths! At Backyard Birds, we offer solutions to keep them out of your bird feeders. We carry several baffles to accommodate different poles. Also available […]

Squirrels! Fun to Watch but Not When They Are Raiding Your Bird Feeders

Without a doubt, squirrels can be a major problem when it comes to wild bird feeding. Any bird feeders placed on a squirrel proof bird feeder pole are squirrel proofed by the pole; a bird feeder hung on a tree or suspended wire can also be made squirrel proof with the right design and location; […]

New Squirrel Buster Standard Raises The Standard!

The new Squirrel Buster Standard raises the standard in everything a wild bird feeder should be.  Here’s why: Award-winning Squirrel Buster technology is truly squirrel-proof.  Over 1 million very happy customers have confirmed it.; Patented weight adjustable closing mechanism shuts out squirrels as well as some heavier undesirable birds.; Seed Saver Technology eliminates seed losses […]