Backyard Birds

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Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

Backyard Birds Project Ruby-Throated Hummingbird © Michael Hogan Size & Shape: The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is a small hummingbird with a slender, slightly downcurved bill and fairly short wings that don’t reach all the way to the tail when the bird is sitting. Natural Habitat: Ruby-throated Hummingbirds live in open woodlands, forest edges, meadows, grasslands, and […]

Barred Owl

Backyard Birds Project Barred Owl © Ed Schneider Size & Shape: Barred Owls are large, stocky owls with rounded heads, no ear tufts, and medium length, rounded tails. Natural Habitat: Barred Owls live in large, mature forests made up of both deciduous trees and evergreens, often near water. They nest in tree cavities. In the […]

Yellow Breasted Chat

Backyard Birds Project Yellow Breasted Chat Length: 7.1 in Wing Span: 9.8 in Size & Shape: Chats are small songbirds but are large and bulky compared to other warblers. They have a long tail, large head and a relatively thick, heavy bill. Natural Habitat: Yellow-breasted Chats live in thickets and other dense, regrowing areas such […]

Indigo Bunting

Backyard Birds Project Indigo Bunting Length: 4.7–5.1 in Wing Span: 7.5–8.7 in Natural Habitat: Indigo Buntings breed in brushy and weedy areas. They’re common on the edges of woods and fields; along roads, streams, rivers, and powerline cuts; in logged forest plots, brushy canyons, and abandoned fields where shrubby growth is returning. While migrating and […]

Summer Tanager

Backyard Birds Project Summer Tanager Length: 6.7 in Natural Habitat: Summer Tanagers breed in gaps and edges of open deciduous or pine-oak forests across the southern and mid-Atlantic U.S. In the Southwest they breed in low-elevation willow and cottonwood woodlands, and in higher-elevation mesquite and saltcedar stands. During migration, Summer Tanagers stop in habitats similar […]