Backyard Birds

Homemade Hummingbird Nectar versus Store Bought Brands

Hummingbirds have a sugar-centric lifestyle and eat a variety of different things like flower nectar, honey, tree sap, and ripened fruit juices, as well as insects for a source of protein. The food they are most attracted to in many birders’ backyards is a basic recipe that approximates the natural sucrose content of top nectar-producing […]

How to Attract Finches in Your Backyard

You can’t help but notice these active and acrobatic little birds with a short, conical bill and a small, head, long wings, and short, notched tail, especially this time of year. Photo submitted by Floyd Seitz Adult male Finches in spring and early summer are bright yellow with black forehead, black wings with white markings, […]

What’s In Your Backyard Photo Contest

Visit our Facebook page and open the “What’s In Your Backyard” Album. Click the “Like” button for your favorite photo between now and April 15, 2014, of photos submitted by some of our birding customers. Each “Like” counts as a vote for the photo contest. The Photo with the most “Likes” on April 16, 2014, will be […]

The Backyard Blues: May Your Blues Be Eastern Bluebirds

Prior to the 1930’s, the Eastern Bluebird was one of North Carolina’s most common songbirds. By 1979, bluebirds were declared rare and uncommon by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Man’s activities and severe winters resulted in a 90% decline in bluebird populations. The continuing loss of natural nesting sites and other problems faced by […]

Make A Little Room in Your Backyard

The Brown-headed Nuthatch, a southern bird born and bred, needs your help to find a good home. They’re losing their pristine pine homes due to urbanization and deforestation. These darlin’, squeaky birds need more nest boxes today so we can enjoy them for generations to come. These Birds Need Your Help Brown-headed Nuthatches are losing […]

Squirrels! Fun to Watch but Not When They Are Raiding Your Bird Feeders

Without a doubt, squirrels can be a major problem when it comes to wild bird feeding. Any bird feeders placed on a squirrel proof bird feeder pole are squirrel proofed by the pole; a bird feeder hung on a tree or suspended wire can also be made squirrel proof with the right design and location; […]

February is National Bird-Feeding Month

This month is one of the most difficult months for wild birds. During National Bird Feeding Month we encourage people to provide food, water, and shelter to help wild birds survive. While many of the top ten feeder birds can be found year round, others may only visit during spring and fall migration or during the […]

Why Count Birds?

Source: Scientists and bird enthusiasts can learn a lot by knowing where the birds are. Bird populations are dynamic; they are constantly in flux. No single scientist or team of scientists could hope to document and understand the complex distribution and movements of so many species in such a short time. Scientists use the […]

The Great Backyard Bird Count

The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is an annual four-day event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of bird populations. Participants are asked to count birds for as little as 15 minutes (or as long as they wish) on one or more days of the event […]

A Place to Rest and Stay Warm

Give birds a dry place to rest: Now may be a good time to investigate adding a nesting box or roost to your backyard. In addition to providing a safe, comfortable place for the birds to raise their young, these houses can keep birds out of the wind and rain our winter weather brings. We […]