Backyard Birds

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Backyard Birding in Small Spaces

“With a little planning and some bird feeding basics from our experts you can attract birds to backyard—no matter where you live or how big your space.”

Ken Keffer, Writer and Author with Birds & Blooms Magazine recently published a great article about Backyard Birding in Small Spaces that we thought our customers and followers would be very interested in reading. It touches base on maximizing small spaces with a variety of feeding options, birdbaths and tells how small plants can do double duty in serving as a little retreat for our feathered friends.

About Backyard Birds

Backyard Birds is an independent, family-owned wildlife specialty store founded by the late Roger Ford in 1996. We offer everything you need from creating an inviting wildlife habitat to finding unique gift items for nature lovers.

Visit our store and meet our friendly, knowledgeable staff. We are passionate about birding and would be happy to answer any questions. Give us a call or stop by our store to tell us when you’ve spotted those migrating birds in your backyard. We enjoy hearing from you!

Laurie Horne, Owner