Here Come the Hummers
For some wildlife and nature enthusiasts, the most wonderful time of the year is almost upon us . . . hummingbirds will be back soon! In this installment of the Backyard Naturalists podcast, Debbie and Laurie spend a few minutes sharing interesting facts and figures about hummingbirds, courtesy of Cornell’s, Birds of North […]
Native Plants with Lisa (Part 2)
Last week, The Backyard Naturalists kicked off a 2-part series on Native Plants with our, “go-to guru”, Lisa Tompkins of Carolina Heritage Nursery. Lisa, along with our hosts Debbie and Laurie, shared with us their thoughts and ideas around the benefits of including native plants in your natural wildlife habitat. They even […]
Native Plants with Lisa (Part 1)
A few weeks ago, we enjoyed having Dr. Carrie DeJaco, Ph.D. on the show for an episode about invasive plants. If you’ll remember, Carrie’s Facebook and website both offer comprehensive lists and detailed information on invasive plants and their impact on your natural habitat. This week, we thought we’d travel to the opposite […]
Bird Identification with Tony
Bird watchers and lovers of any level are in for a treat this week as Debbie and Laurie welcome bird expert Tony Lombardino to the show. Tony has a PhD in Neuroscience and studied how the brains of birds allowed them to sing and produce their songs in adulthood. He researched and studied […]
Owls on My Garage with David
A familiar sight for folks walking on the 4-Mile Creek Greenway in Matthews is the owl box, on the side of a house, near the boardwalk bridge. In this week’s episode of The Backyard Naturalists podcast, Debbie and Laurie talk to the homeowner, wildlife biologist and fellow naturalist, David Crowe about attracting […]
Laurie Remembers Homesteading in Alaska
Laurie owns and operates our presenting sponsor, Backyard Birds, and is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to nature and wildlife, especially birds, bird seed, bird feeders, bird baths, nesting boxes, wind chimes, etc. Well, did you know, she spent about 12 years of her life, growing up as a homesteader […]
Animal Love with Monica
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and, in this episode of The Backyard Naturalists podcast, we’re talking about love, in the animal kingdom. Monica Macoubrie is a Wildlife Education Specialists with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and she shares some of the most informative (and sometimes hilarious) stories about animal love. […]
Invasive Plants with Dr. Carrie DeJaco, Ph.D.
The Backyard Naturalists are absolutely thrilled to feature Dr. Carrie, DeJaco, Ph.D. on this episode to have a conversation about invasive plants. Dr. DeJaco is an Associate Professor of Biology and Environmental Science at Pfeiffer University in North Carolina. She also holds a B. A. and Masters Degree in Biology from the […]
The Great Backyard Bird Count
The Great Backyard Bird Count began in 1998 and quickly became one of The Backyard Naturalists favorite events and times of the year. Serving as a collaboration between the National Audubon Society and Cornell’s Ornithology Lab, the Great Backyard Bird Count is a community science project to collect data on wild birds, on […]
Hawks with Steve
Debbie and Laurie, The Backyard Naturalists, welcome Steve Hughes back to the show but, this time, they’re talking about hawks. The biggest and the smallest. What they eat. Where they live. What’s presents the biggest danger to hawks? Steve is a wealth of information, not only about hawks, but all birds pf […]