Backyard Birds

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What Birds Are In Your Backyard This Month?

Who’s in your backyard? The more common birds in this area include Bluebirds, Wrens, Cardinals, Gold Finches, House Finches, Robins, Downey and Red Bellied Woodpeckers. Please share your pictures and stories with us on Facebook if you have a “not so common” bird in your backyard.

American Goldfinch Are Still Nesting

American Goldfinch Are Still Nesting

Why does the American Goldfinch wait so late in the year before nesting? Thistle plants, a major nesting material for the American Goldfinch, blooms in July. It’s thought that the blooming period of the Thistle plant may play a part in the timing of their nesting season. As late summer approaches, these Thistle plants set […]

Backyard Birding in Small Spaces

“With a little planning and some bird feeding basics from our experts you can attract birds to backyard—no matter where you live or how big your space.” Ken Keffer, Writer and Author with Birds & Blooms Magazine recently published a great article about Backyard Birding in Small Spaces that we thought our customers and followers would be very […]

February is National Bird-Feeding Month

This month is one of the most difficult months for wild birds. During National Bird Feeding Month we encourage people to provide food, water, and shelter to help wild birds survive. While many of the top ten feeder birds can be found year round, others may only visit during spring and fall migration or during the […]