Birdbaths in Freezing Cold Winters
Drinking water entices birds year-round, but keeping it ice free in winter can be a challenge. Birds have several physiological mechanisms for conserving water, but in our area we do not get the snow that birds can use. Providing a source of water when everything around is frozen offers a huge benefit for the birds. On […]
Providing A Plentiful Bounty for Your Backyard Birds
Become the host with the most during the fall and spring seasons to attract more birds in your backyard! Just as birds adjust their behaviors as the seasons change, you too must adjust how you interact with birds if you want to enjoy the diversity of avian life.
Squirrels & Raccoons Invading Your Bird Baths and Bird Feeders?
Many of you are being challenged, (more so than usual) with squirrels and raccoons. They are hungry and thirsty so they are visiting bird feeders, hummingbird feeders, suet feeders and birdbaths! At Backyard Birds, we offer solutions to keep them out of your bird feeders. We carry several baffles to accommodate different poles. Also available […]
Attracting Birds to Your Backyard in the Heat of Summer
Birds love water, and they need it to keep cool and to keep their feathers clean. You don’t need to buy a traditional bird bath. You can use any flat, wide container placed on a flower pot to substitute as a traditional bird bath. But setting up a real bird bath not only adds beauty […]
Making the Winter Transition to Keep Your Backyard Birds Safe
The abrupt arrival of freezing temperatures is a clear sign that the vibrant fall season has swiftly given way to winter’s chill. With this shift in seasons and weather, our avian companions are also undergoing a significant transition to cope with the cold days and nights ahead.
How to Attract Birds to Your Backyard With Water
Water is one of the most important things birders can add to their backyard to attract birds. All bird species need water, and adding one or more water features to your yard will quickly attract feathered friends.
Follow These Tips on How to Clean Your Birdbath
A clean birdbath filled with fresh water will be the most attractive to birds, and knowing how to clean a birdbath properly and safely will allow birders to maintain backyard water sources easily.
Backyard Birding in Small Spaces
“With a little planning and some bird feeding basics from our experts you can attract birds to backyard—no matter where you live or how big your space.” Ken Keffer, Writer and Author with Birds & Blooms Magazine recently published a great article about Backyard Birding in Small Spaces that we thought our customers and followers would be very […]
The Backyard Blues: May Your Blues Be Eastern Bluebirds
Prior to the 1930’s, the Eastern Bluebird was one of North Carolina’s most common songbirds. By 1979, bluebirds were declared rare and uncommon by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Man’s activities and severe winters resulted in a 90% decline in bluebird populations. The continuing loss of natural nesting sites and other problems faced by […]
We Can Help Clean Your Feeders
We’ve mentioned before how important it is to keep your feeders clean. This said, fall is the perfect time to make sure all the remnants of summer are completely gone from each feeder. It may seem that a thorough cleaning of all of your feeders is a very daunting and time consuming task. Backyard Birds […]