Backyard Birds

Carolina Waterfowl Rescue and “Friends” Are Visiting Backyard Birds on Saturday 8/24!

Please come by our store between 11:00am and 2:00pm on Saturday, August 24th, for a special event with your local Carolina Waterfowl Rescue!  CWR provides rescue and rehabilitation for sick, injured, and orphaned birds, as well as increases public awareness and appreciation for animals.  You will meet two residents of the rescue – stunning Cassie (short for Cassanova) the Rooster and gorgeous Dorothy, a black East Indies Duck.  We will also have one or two wonderful human representatives from CWR available to answer your questions and explain more about what CWR does and how you might help.

We will also have a raffle and special offers in the store throughout the day!

Cassie & Dorothy hope to see you on Saturday!Cassie aka CassanovaDorothy