Backyard Birds

Feed Them and They Will Come

Feed them and they will come - National Bird Feeding Month

Feeding Birds is Important

Feeding birds helps to sustain local wild bird populations, especially during the cold, harsh winters and challenging migration periods. During the winter season, you’ll want to make sure your bird feeders are refilled every morning. It’s important to keep feeders full as birds often seek out reliable food sources to help them survive the colder months.

Feeders should be set up where they are easy to see and convenient to fill. They should be placed where seed-hungry squirrels and bird-hungry cats cannot reach them, and if near a window, no more than three feet from the glass to prevent possible collisions.

When looking for bird feeders, consider the type of feeder and the size of its holes to know what kind of food would work best. While some birds enjoy eating from the ground, others prefer tube feeders – hollow cylinders with multiple feeding ports and perches.

Tube feeders attract small perching birds such as finches, goldfinches, titmice, and chickadees. They allow seed to flow only when birds peck at it, which helps keep any spillage to a minimum.

Once your feeders are filled and hung they are all ready for hungry birds to come feast. It doesn’t take long before they start arriving. However, some birds will patiently wait for the seed to be replenished. Even if your bird visitors are not entirely dependent on your food supply, try not to leave them without food. If you plan to be away, fill extra feeders, or ask a willing neighbor to continue feeding your birds until you return.

When first starting to feed birds, it may take time for new feeders to be discovered. Don’t be surprised if the feeding station doesn’t get visitors right away. As long as feeders are clean and filled with fresh seed, the birds will find them.

There is always something amazing to see when watching and feeding our wild avian friends. It is especially comforting to know that you are helping our wild bird populations survive the cold season. What birds are you seeing outside your window or in your backyard?