Backyard Birds

Winter Feeding Helps Attract Wild Birds to Your Backyard

Winter feeding helps attract wild birds to your backyard

Unlock the Magic of Bird Feeding This Winter Birds play an essential role in our ecosystem, helping to control insect populations that can wreak havoc on our gardens during the growing season. They also grace us with their beauty and charming antics, especially during the cold winter months when they gather around our bird feeders. […]

Where Are The Birds? Find Out At Backyard Birds.

Where Are The Birds

Our customers have been calling in and asking, “Where are all of the birds?” Birds routinely change their feeding behavior. Temperature, weather, time of year, and time of day all influence feeding habits. In mild weather, when wild food is plentiful, birds will use your feeder less. When they are under more pressure to find […]

Midsummer Birdwatching

July is an exciting time for bird watching! There should be plenty of juvenile birds to stretch your identification skills and lots of activity as parents help their young to find food and escape predators. Different types of feeders will attract different varieties of birds to your backyard. Here are some examples of birds you will […]

Enjoy Midsummer Activity in your Backyard!

By midsummer, birds have established their nesting territories and are busy raising their second or third batch of babies. We receive many calls this month about “injured” birds. In most cases, it is fledglings that have naturally left the nest or been pushed out of the nest by their bigger siblings. The best advice we can […]

Providing A Plentiful Bounty for Your Backyard Birds

Become the host with the most during the fall and spring seasons to attract more birds in your backyard! Just as birds adjust their behaviors as the seasons change, you too must adjust how you interact with birds if you want to enjoy the diversity of avian life.

Millet Is Good; Milo is Bad

Fall will bring some interesting bird sightings, including the return of the junco.  To make your yard more appealing, increase the amount of millet you already feed or add a little white millet for lots of ground-feeders. Red Millet Millet comes in two types, the red and white varieties. Birds seem to favor the white […]