Where Are The Birds? Find Out At Backyard Birds.

Our customers have been calling in and asking, “Where are all of the birds?” Birds routinely change their feeding behavior. Temperature, weather, time of year, and time of day all influence feeding habits. In mild weather, when wild food is plentiful, birds will use your feeder less. When they are under more pressure to find […]
September and Goldfinches

September is a big month for the goldfinch. Their numbers should be increasing daily as fledglings emerge from their nests. Your feeders filled with nyjer and sunflower chips will be busy with lots of these little birds jockeying for position. They will also eat coneflower seed heads (sunflowers, thistle, asters) well into the winter months, […]
Summer Time is Hummer Time!

Hummingbirds Add Another Dimension to a Garden that You Won’t Want to Miss As summer approaches, we start to notice an increase in activity with hummingbirds, as breeding territories are abandoned, juveniles are weaned and hummers from up north make their way south. Now is a good time to increase the number of hummingbird feeders […]
The Backyard Blues: May Your Blues Be Eastern Bluebirds

Prior to the 1930’s, the Eastern Bluebird was one of North Carolina’s most common songbirds. By 1979, bluebirds were declared rare and uncommon by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Man’s activities and severe winters resulted in a 90% decline in bluebird populations. The continuing loss of natural nesting sites and other problems faced by […]
Enjoy Midsummer Activity in your Backyard!

By midsummer, birds have established their nesting territories and are busy raising their second or third batch of babies. We receive many calls this month about “injured” birds. In most cases, it is fledglings that have naturally left the nest or been pushed out of the nest by their bigger siblings. The best advice we can […]
Providing A Plentiful Bounty for Your Backyard Birds

Become the host with the most during the fall and spring seasons to attract more birds in your backyard! Just as birds adjust their behaviors as the seasons change, you too must adjust how you interact with birds if you want to enjoy the diversity of avian life.
Squirrels & Raccoons Invading Your Bird Baths and Bird Feeders?

Many of you are being challenged, (more so than usual) with squirrels and raccoons. They are hungry and thirsty so they are visiting bird feeders, hummingbird feeders, suet feeders and birdbaths! At Backyard Birds, we offer solutions to keep them out of your bird feeders. We carry several baffles to accommodate different poles. Also available […]
No Backyard? No Problem!

Even if you live in an apartment building or simply don’t have a yard, you can still enjoy the birds. You’ll be relying on surrounding habitats, but with careful observation, you can spot birds. Here’s how: Window Feeders There are feeders you can put right on your windows with suction cups. I use a suction […]
Squirrels! Fun to Watch but Not When They Are Raiding Your Bird Feeders

Without a doubt, squirrels can be a major problem when it comes to wild bird feeding. Any bird feeders placed on a squirrel proof bird feeder pole are squirrel proofed by the pole; a bird feeder hung on a tree or suspended wire can also be made squirrel proof with the right design and location; […]
February is National Bird-Feeding Month

This month is one of the most difficult months for wild birds. During National Bird Feeding Month we encourage people to provide food, water, and shelter to help wild birds survive. While many of the top ten feeder birds can be found year round, others may only visit during spring and fall migration or during the […]